Abraham and Sarai (both of whom acquired a “Heh”, when God changed their names, “Heh” being the Hebrew letter that represented the Holy Spirit.). Jacob, who became Israel, meaning “ Prince of God” . Peter, who went from Petros (pebble) to Petra (boulder). Conclusion: names matte...
I responded to the question Max put forth that went something like this: will you be prepared to reply when the time comes for you to respond about your faith that could mean your death, as it did for Queen Esther and Mordechai? I am barely comfortable when I have to respond, and it...
had begun to call on the Lord's name. Chapter 5 details the generations from Adam through Seth to Noah, connecting the time of Adam and Seth with the time of Noah and his sons as described in chapter 6. This sets the stage for God's judgment of mankind's pervasive sin in the flood...
There are two sorts of righteousness in the New Covenant (Ro 10:3), the righteousness which comes from man (his flesh) and the righteousness which comes from ALHYM (the Hebrew name of our Creator and Heavenly Father, pronounced "Al-o-heem"Ge 1:1) which is of The Spirit. One from se...
What does “He will guide them to streams of living water” mean? The passage is painting a metaphor of what you do when you shepherd sheep. Still, the term living water describes the Holy Spirit. The refreshment and joy of experiencing the Spirit is something that outstrips our experience....