It happens again and again with different people in varying settings and circumstances that still share an all-too-familiar commonality of discord eating away at your psyche like a blood-sucking parasite that only becomes repulsively engorged with each instance. The slowly developing anger within rea...
As the Sun enters the constellation of Libra on September 22, 2024, we are invited to step into the essence that is this air sign. To become it, learn from it, and begin to experience the world through its lens until the Sun exits Libra on October 23, 2024. What Awarenesses Does Lib...
To piggy back on this post, damage does mean alot, but while other healers are able to deal damage while healing, Holy does damage or healing. Disc cast smite for attonement healing Pallies Judge for more combo points and healing Fist Monks…punch things for healing For Holy Priest, its ...
The ratio between the speed necessary to travel to the Moon and human walking speed is less than 10,000:1, and that is absolutely tiny compared to the range in input sizes software may face. And because software may face an astronomical range in input sizes there is the potential for ...
When you're hurt or upset, you have the tendency to lash out and say things you may not mean in the heat of the moment. But there are positive aspects to having an Aries Moon, too! You thrive on excitement and you're quick to forgive and forget. Taurus Moons Are Se...
When I’m doing my yogic meditation I sometimes get some insights. Guess that’s what happens when you stop concentrating on yesterday’s history, or tomorrow’s fears. Although something tells me it’s far more than just sitting in the present that does it. But that’s a debate for lat...
We do like to spread the meal out, but how to do that with just the two of us? Inspiration finally hit. We love small plates, and have a favorite restaurant the does all kinds of Mediterranean dishes. What if we just do small plates and appetizers? We pulled out our recipes and ...
Does that explanation even make any sense? I gave up trying to figure it out. Top raekuul D&C 112:13 Joined: 15 years ago First name: Pokota Pronouns: he/him/his Location: Deti Plains Re: What games are you playing? Post by raekuul » 1 year ago Spelunky 2: so the temple ...
But everything he does is based on the same principles. When we study the truth, not just superficially read and listen to it, then we will be able to detect his devices. If we would allow ourselves to be filled with love for right principles, then Satan would “find nothing in us”...
… seriously, what does “metaverse” mean? to help you get a sense of how vague the term “the metaverse” can be, here's an exercise: mentally replace the phrase “the metaverse” in a sentence with “cyberspace.” ninety percent of the time, the meaning won't substantially change. ...