What does the root ther mean? Greek Roots and Affixes The English language is built upon many different kinds of loanwords. The etymology of these borrowed words can be traced from various foreign languages, including Greek and Latin.
There are biblical translations where the pronoun used for the Holy Spirit ismasculine, in contrast to the gender of the noun used for spirit in Hebrew and Aramaic. In Aramaic also, the language generally considered to have been spoken by Jesus, the word is feminine. However, in Greek the ...
What does classification mean for drugs? What are the different types of crop rotation? What is an axillary meristem? Define the term genus. What is bacterial cloning? What Are Saprophytes? What is bacterial load? What is diatomite in botany?
"Insights into the relationships between such synonyms can be gleaned by comparing their uses in forming new words. TheOld Englishwordbirdgives us a term of abuse,birdbrain, Latinavisis the source of more technical words such asaviationandaviary, while Greekornithis therootof exclusively scientifi...
The idea of ‘nature’ is at the very core of science, considered as its flagship and deepest link with human societies. However, while nature preservation has become a major social concern, the idea of nature remains elusive. We examine here the origins
A. In monocot root, vascular bundles are radial, closed with the exact condition of the xylem. There are a total eight bundles in each of xylem and phloem.What is Diarch xylem?: having two xylem groups.What does the word Tetrach mean?
The word "Monas" is derived from the Greek word meaning oneness. While Metamonada species display various differences in their shape, morphology, and life cycle, they also share a number of similarities that allow them to be grouped together. For instance, in general, they are all flagellate,...
The “traditional view” on the historical decline of child labour has emphasised the role of the approval of effective child labour (minimum wor
What does mastoid mean in medical terms? (Entry 1 of 2) 1 :being the process of the temporal bone behind the earalso : being any of several bony elements that occupy a similar position in the skull of lower vertebrates. 2 : of, relating to, or occurring in the region of the mastoid...
The most commonly used chemical in perms is ammonium thioglycolate. But most of the potential hair damage from getting a perm also happens because of this ingredient. If you have thin or fragile hair, gentler perms that are acid-balanced and use glyceryl monothioglycolate may be better options....