Influenza vaccine is an inactivated product, so it cannot cause the flu. The vaccines are safe and effective, although one brand, Fluvax, isnot approved for children under the age of fiveyears because of an increased risk of febrile seizures. There is now aquadrivalent influenza vaccine(QIV)...
What if ...there was no flu vaccine?Paul Swiech
The CDC recommends scheduling your yearly flu vaccine inearly fall, prior to flu season. Even if you’re not able to get vaccinated until November or later, it is still recommended because flu commonly peaks in February and can continue into May. ...
Protect against harmful substances made by germs called toxins. They use weakened versions of the toxins called toroids. you may need booster shots to maintain protection against diseases examples are the diphtheria and tetanus parts of the data vaccine. Sub unit and conjugate vaccines use only a ...
What is the passage mainly about? A. A vaccine that cures people of their flu. B. A team that does research on seasonal flu. C. A patch that makes flu shots a thing of the past. D. A method that makes traditional flu shot painless. ...
How often do cats need the rabies vaccine? What viral disease has a vaccine? What vaccines do not provide herd immunity? What vaccines provide herd immunity? What is the OPV vaccine? What is the PPD vaccine? What is the DA2PP vaccine? What does the meningococcal vaccine protect against? Ca...
flu can be prevented by aflu vaccine, either a flu shot or nasal sprayflu vaccine. In addition, antiviral medications are available to prevent flu. These drugs may help reduce the severity and the duration of flu and are best used within the first 48 hours of the appearance of flu ...
What are the risks and benefits of the HPV vaccine? What does Hib of the Hib vaccine prevent? What are the side effects of having the HPV vaccine? How can you prevent HPV from spreading? What does the meningococcal vaccine protect against?
Seasonal flu vaccines are formulated to protect against influenza viruses known to cause epidemics. Getting a flu vaccine can protect against these viruses as well as additional flu viruses that are antigenically similar to the viruses used to make the vaccine...
Official answer: There are 4 main differences between DTaP and Tdap: DTaP is a combination vaccine used to provide immunity against 3...