What does the immune system consist of? Human Body: The human body is similar to a machine that consists of various cells, organs, and systems. Cells in the body together form tissues; numerous tissues form an organ, and different organs together develop an organ system. Every system, such...
Describe the defense mechanisms that the body has in place to defend against the flu virus or a virus in general. a. What are the components of natural immunity? b. What strategies does the body employ to defeat microorganisms after the...
aThe flu virus is a trickster,constantly changings its surface antigens,so that our immune systems need to relearn how to fight it every time it adopts a new costume.''To our bodies,it's a new virus,''Morse says.''Old wine in new bottles,if you will.''A largerscale genetic shift ...
Partial fetal alcohol syndrome: This condition has similar characteristics to those of FAS but does not have all the symptoms. How is fetal alcohol syndrome diagnosed? There is no specific medical examination or blood test available for a confirmed diagnosis of this condition; however, a diagnosis...
A15. Viral throat infections are caused by a number of viruses which enter the body and attack areas of the throat. Examples of these include the common cold, the flu and glandular fever.Bacterial throat infections develop due to person to person contact. For example, if you transmit saliva ...
It does not include a fever -- normally, if there is a fever it's called "the flu." There are many different viruses that can cause cold symptoms, but about half of the time a cold is caused by a class of viruses called rhinoviruses. The rhinovirus gets into the cells lining your...
In an efficient feat of natural bioengineering, the host cell’s genetic machinery now does the rest of the work for the virus. The cell, which had already been making copies of its own genome, now also replicates that of the virus. Coded within the viral material is the blueprint for ...
For proper understanding, it is essential to know the conversational setting under which the estimates have been produced. Is the frame and format freely chosen, or does the estimate come in response to an issue raised by someone else than the speaker? In a discussion about implausible estimates...
Does the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have a rule that states that if an artist is nominated a certain number of times without getting enough votes, that artist will receive an automatic induction if he or she fails to get enough votes the last time they are nominated. What should the cri...
What is the most common cause of viral pneumonia? a. Rhinovirus b. influenza virus c. Haemophilus influenza d. Pneumococcus 1. What virus causes the flu? 2. Why doesn't the body produce permanent immunity against that virus? 3. How does the vaccine against the flu work?