What does the federal government control under the Indian Act? What is the Unruh Civil Rights Act? What was the Civil Rights Act of 1986? What does the Equal Rights Amendment mean? What did the Civil Rights Act expand? What is the right to vote?
Fear of a United Government: What Happens to Federal Spending When the Democrats Control Both Congress and the Presidency?WHEN IT COMES to out-of-control spending, conventional wisdom says the Democrats are most...de Rugy, Veronique
TPM has chronicled this problem, while The New York Timesreportedon Monday that it was at least partly due to confusion in Project Airbridge — the federal effort to shepherd medical goods into the U.S. for sale by private distributors. While it’s still difficult to nail down ...
What powers does the Constitution grant the executive branch? What problems did the framers of our Constitution fix? What powers did the confederation government have? In Federalist Paper No. 39, what are the differences between a federal and national government? Which is the Constitution proposing...
In addition to sectoral privacy laws, the U.S. is experiencing a massive drive toward pushing privacy legislation at the state level. That’s because the federal government hasn’t been able to find a consensus on how to legislate broadly. Rather than wait, state lawmakers have been nudged ...
“Even the federal government — which has the luxury of printing money to pay their debts — can’t borrow for free,” McBride says. “If Uncle Sam, the ultimate risk-free borrower, is paying 1.2 percent to borrow for 30 years, you can bet it will cost a few percentage points more ...
Trump is not charged with violating the Presidential Records Act, which has no enforcement mechanism. But his repeated invocation of the law has renewed questions about what it says and how it applies to government documents. Here is a look at the federal law that lays out the requirements for...
The FOMC can hold these securities until maturity or sell them when they see fit, as granted by theFederal Reserve Act of 1913and theMonetary Control Act of 1980. A percentage of the Fed's SOMA holdings are held in each of the 12 regional Reserve Banks; however, the Federal Reserve Bank...
How Does Monetary Policy Affect Scarcity? In the U.S., the Federal Reserve controls the money supply. When governments print too much money, the value of the money decreases. Supply is high and money is less scarce. However, too much money in an economy can lead to inflation. Governments...
There is a common misconception that the Federal Reserve System is privately owned; while its Board of Governors is a government agency, the regional Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations. Understanding the Federal Reserve System (FRS) ...