Many believe this simply means the significance of the card is present in your life, but its powers are weakened or blocked by something. Others believe it means you’re unwilling to work with the energy the card signifies. And yet others interpret a reversed Tarot card to mean that the ...
What does it mean to genuinely respect and appreciate your gifts, instead of wishing you were more like someone else? Beyond love for the self, the Lovers is also a card of the collective: the ways that we gather, process, and understand information, as well as the ways we show each ot...
Sometimes if the card is upside down, it weakens the meaning or even reverses it. It depends on the individual psychic giving the reading on how the card is interpreted. Usually, the psychic has the person being read handle or shuffle the cards in some manner or does it for them. The ...
What does September Mean? September Birthstone, Zodiac Sign, Flower, Number & More! As we move into the 9th month of the year (the 7th month on the Julian Calendar system until about 153 BCE), we are greeted with cooling weather and the start of Autumn in the Northe...
How does it work? The tarot is a tool. In a way, it is like a calculator. Based on the variables you input, it will generate a most probable outcome. That outcome, however, is never fixed. No one can predict the future with certainty because you have the willpower to change those ...