If you find someone has added “available” in their WhatsApp, it means they are accessible and active on WhatsApp. It’s an indirect way of telling you that you can chat with them, and they will respond since they are not busy or held up elsewhere. However, some people add the “av...
WhatsApp has revolutionized the way we communicate in our daily lives. With its various features, one aspect that often confuses users is the tick system used to indicate message delivery and status. In this article, we’ll delve deep into what one tick in WhatsApp means, its significance, ...
Ever caught yourself wondering, “What does ‘online’ mean on WhatsApp?” or “Why is she always online on WhatsApp, but my message remains unanswered?” If you have, welcome to theperplexing realmof the WhatsApp online status. But fear not, this article will guide you through the maze ...
However, the other person can initiate the call, but you won’t get the call. They will see the Unavailable message at the end of the call. 3. If someone is on a WhatsApp call, does it show online? WhatsApp’s online status will show only if the app is open. If the user opens...
If you're a little confused about what the check marks in WhatsApp mean and whether you are being ghosted, find out more in this guide!
used when asking for information about someone or something.`What does it look like?' `It's small and square.';`What's her mother like?' `Oh, she's quite nice.';We may go – it depends (on) what the weather's like.cómo
1. What does the underlined part “the joke was on us” in Paragraph 1 mean? A.We were actually joking. B.We were laughed at by others. C.We were underestimating ourselves. D.We were just embarrassing ourselves.2. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A.What Blinkist is. B.Why Blinkist...
One such feature is the “Export Chat” feature. We’ve seen it a gazillion times but hardly ever used it. So, if you’re thinking what does export chat mean on WhatsApp, let us help you understand this feature and how it works....
In recent years, communications services ranging from WhatsApp to Zoom have announced their implementation of end-to-end encryption. What does that mean? Well, the idea of encryption is pretty straightforward: It turns data into something that cannot be read. But what doesend-to-endmean? What...
In WhatsApp, a single gray check mark means that your message was sent, but hasn't been delivered to the other person yet. Two gray check marks mean that your message successfully made it to the other person's phone, but they haven't opened it yet. Finally, when the other party has ...