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The Border Patrol can take your password. Now what?engadget
"We're all for more manpower. We've said that technology and infrastructure are great, but they've never arrested a single person," said Shawn Moran, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council, a union for agents. "And to actually secure the border and enforce the laws, you n...
“Some middle class does well. When they do well, the poor go way up and the wealthy still do very well. We all do very well, and there’s more to do to make sure you’re feeling the benefits of all we’re doing. Americans pay more for prescription drugs than anywhere...
Talking Tech: 4 Strategies to Help Districts Manage the Device Boom TechCrunch UK plans to ban public sector organizations from paying ransomware hackers EdSource ‘Students are scared’: Border Patrol raids fuel fear in schools ABC 7 First elected Chicago Board of Education sworn in as ...
to protect the nation from erous people;to protect the nation from military attacks
(七)某病人,男性, 60岁。因“神志不清、行为异常5天,昏迷”入院,既往有肝硬化病史10年。入院查体:呼之不应、压眶反射无反应,皮肤可见蜘蛛痣,实验室检查:血氨 148ug/dl,脑电图显示δ波每秒 3次,诊断为“肝硬化、肝性脑病”病人病情好转后,护士遵医嘱为病人拔除胃管,以下操作正确的是 ...
Each country has limitations on how much duty-free you can bring back. These limitations generally apply to the value or quantity of the goods brought back into a country. Check your country's customs or border patrol websites to find out specific limits. ...
Of course, I am open to discussion -- does anybody else have any ideas? ByAlchemy— On May 12, 2011 What have been the best methods for reducing drug trafficking? I live in a high intensity drug trafficking area along the border and politicians are often hatching elaborate plans to stop ...
Harassment and abuse was accepted as necessary tools to break the civilian mentality, create a unit/platoon mentality (mass punishment does that), and to weed out those who won’t make it. The training also changed during Vietnam. Less time was spent on drill, inspections, uniforms and milit...