Like most great questions this one is easy to ask but difficult to answer. The reason is simple: we know of just one type of life and it’s challenging to do science with a sample size of one. The field of artificial life-called ALife for short — is the systematic attempt to spell ...
For better or worse, ALife mirrors the very subject it studies. Its muddled (混乱的)progression is a striking parallel(平行线) to the evolutionary struggles that have shaped Earth's biosphere.Undefined and uncontrolled, ALife drives its followers to repurpose old ideas and generate novelty.It ma...
For better or worse, ALife mirrors the very subject it studies. Its muddled(混乱的)progression is a striking parallel (平行线) to the evolutionary struggles that have shaped Earth's biosphere.Undefined and uncontrolled, ALife drives its followers to repurpose old ideas and generate novelty.It may...
18. What is the volume, composition, and significance of the deep biosphere? 18.深层生物圈的规模、组成和意义是什么? 19. Will humans one day have to leave the planet (or die trying)? 19.人类有一天会不得不离开地球吗(还是会在尝试中死去)? 20. Where do the heavy elements in the universe...
3. How can we measure interface phenomena on the microscopic level? 3.如何在微观层面测量界面现象? 4. What is the future for energy storage? 4.能量存储的未来是怎样的? 5. Why does life require chirality? 5.为什么生命需要手性? 6. How can we better manage the world's plastic waste?
What role does biodiversity play in nature more broadly?Biodiversity is a core component of biosphere integrity, one of the nine planetary systems that keep Earth in balance and maintain its overall stability and resilience. Six of these, including biosphere integrity, are currently in danger of ...
This is the capacity for a system to create essentially endless complexity, to be a sort of “novelty generator".The only system known to exhibit this is Earth's biosphere. If the field of ALife manages to reproduce life's endless “creativity" in some virtual model, those same principles ...
This is the capacity for a system to create essentially endless complexity, to be a sort of “novelty generator”. The only system known to exhibit this is Earth’s biosphere. If the field of ALife manages to reproduce life’s endless “creativity” in some virtual model, those same ...
Earth is the planet of life. Running, crawling or flying, life abounds everywhere.地球是一个满是生命的星球。奔跑着的、爬行着的或飞翔着的,到处都是生命。But for all this beautiful diversity to have proliferated, Earth has had to provide a favourable environment for around four billion years. ...
help either. The result is a diverse line of projects that each advance along their unique paths. For better or worse, ALife mirrors the very subject it studies. Its muddled (混乱的) progression is a striking parallel (平行线) to the evolutionary struggles that have shaped Earth’s biosphere...