The new world to come is far more glorious than the one we presently know. It will be a world that we recognize and one in which all the things that we love will be present but no longer marred and twisted by sin.
What Does the Bible Say About Love? Our Daily Bread University Videos Teach You the Bible on Bible Gateway Walking with Christ to the Cross, Week 4 Filed under Bible Gateway, Bible Gateway Plus, Bible Study, Discipleship Tagged as loveSearch...
英语句子分析The saying in the Bible “Love your neighbor” was probably a poor translation of what must have originally been,“respect your neighbor”.我不明白的是从句what must have originally been,这是什么从句,为什么感觉
If not properly handled, money and the love of that money can become like a cancer where it will start to slowly eat away at your soul and your personal connection with the Lord. The Bible tells us that it is not the money itself that is the root of all kinds of evil, it is the...
Understanding the Biblical Concept of 'Love Your Enemies' Loving our enemies is a foreign concept. Love and enemies are words that seem mutually exclusive. Putting the two together raises questions. When the Bible tells us to love our enemies what does that mean? Who said it? Why? How?
On the inside of your soul is your spirit. The Bible refers to our human spirit as being our“innermost being.”I believe another word for our human spirit is “heart.” When people refer to having had a broken heart in a romantic relationship that has been dissolved, a broken heart is...
Live in Grace, Walk in Love is published by HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., the parent company of Bible Gateway.Bio: Bob Goff is the founder of Love Does, a nonprofit organization that operates schools and pursues justice for children in conflict areas such as U...
in the passage? Somebody can be said___. What does the author think about... ? 典例( 2016·四川卷 C 节选)"I have a special love for the French Guianese people. I have worked there on and off for almost ten years? " says Gin. "I' ve been able to keep firm friendships with...
I have good news and bad news for you today. Sorry to start off this way today, friends, but let’s deal with the bad first. Before we can bless others with our words, we must deal with some pretty sad facts! The Bible has a lot to say about our mouths (tongue)! And most of...
Question: What is the Difference between someone's soul and spirit? How does the Bible distinguish the two? This is a question that is not easy to point out in our everyday Christian lives. While it is not so difficult to distinguish the body from the spirit and the soul, it is partic...