What does forgiveness mean to God? Forgiveness itself is defined asthe letting go of sin. In the Bible, this includes forgiving everyone, every time, of everything, as an act of obedience and gratefulness to God. It acknowledges the sacrifice God made through His Son Jesus who died to res...
What Does Revelation Say About New Heaven and New Earth? John's vision of the new heaven and new earth, as described in Revelation 21, presents a new heaven and a new earth because the first heaven and the first earth have passed away, and the sea is no more. This vision signifie...
What Does the Bible Say about Growing Good Seeds? How Can We Grow Spiritually? Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/freedom007 Chris Swanson answered the call into the ministry over 20 years ago. He has served as a Sunday School teacher, a youth director along with his wife, a musi...
The Holy Spirit works with an active mind, not a passive one. When the Bible says to meditate on God’s word, it means to think about, to chew on, to try and figure out what the different Scripture verses mean. It does not mean to totally blank your mind out waiting for illumination...
Welcome toASK THE BIBLE. com A CALL to ALL USA CHRISTIANS TO PRAY FOR USA. Do not lose HOPE !. God is in CONTROL. Pray for Donald J Trump and JD Vance to restore Good Governance to the USA. For 2024 and beyond, be Watchful and Look forward to a Great Move of the LORD JESUS, ...
Verses that Illustrate how the Bible does not Support the Concept of Karma Introduction to Isaiah 40:7-12 In Isaiah 40:1-11 we read how the Lord God of Israel wants to deliver His people. The Lord does not give up on us because of repeated sinning, but is always calling us back...
Ans. The phrase stumbling blocks mean an obstacle in the route of achieving one’s goal. A stumbling block is an im...Read full What does the Bible say about stumbling blocks? Ans. Some verses of the Bible that mention stumbling blocks are – ...Read full How to defeat the stumbling ...
What does the Bible say about living forever? In John 10:27–28 Jesus states that: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish." This refers to the personal, heart to heart relationship the Christian ...
While I would never presume to suggest Christian clergy re-read the Holy Bible with an eye to early scripture and suicide, I would suggest they read, What Does the Bible Say about Suicide? by my now deceased friend and colleague, Reverend James T Clemons. Ignorance of your own scriptures ...
I write a quarterly column for Preach magazine, in which I explore a significant word or phrase in the Bible, or a theme or section of Scripture, and the ideas that it expresses. At the end of this piece I list the previous articles I have written for th