Divorce is a complex and sensitive issue, one that touches deeply on the moral and spiritual lives of those involved. When we turn to the Bible to seek guidance on divorce, we find that the scriptures offer a range of perspectives, all unified by a core principle: marriage is a sacred co...
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 that we are to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Jesus. This means that we are directly responsible for what we choose to think about and dwell on. This right does not belong to anyone else, including any hypnotist who may want ...
The Hands:Finally, the outstretched “hands” of Christ’s mosaic body (both beckoning and restraining us) symbolize the theme of moral influence. These speak to the way Christians are called to be agents of reconciliation ourselves (back to2 Corinthians 5:19where I began) as we...
The Bible says that God does not change, that He is the same today as He was yesterday. If God the Father is telling us that homosexuality and anything to do with the occult are abominations in His sight back in the Old Testament, then He is not going to be changing His mind just ...
Does the Bible condone moderate drinking of alcohol? Let's look at some Bible examples of people who used alcohol, as well as the effects it has on the body. Bible examples: In the Old Testament, Aaron and his sons, the priests, were strictly forbidden to drink either wine or strong dr...
What does the Bible say about cloning? You probably didn’t think you’d ever have to ask it. Your gut reaction may be, “Well, cloning seems bad because of the moral implications.” Implications like, would a clone have a soul?” Is a clone an abomination in the eyes of God? What...
So what does the Bible say about violence? One does not get far in the biblical narrative to find the first heinous act of violence. In the second generation of humanity one brother spills the blood of another. Cain murders Abel, for a reason that comes right fro...
If divorce is permissible in some circumstances, may those who divorce also remarry? Should those who have been divorced be considered eligible for service as pastors, elders or deacons? What does the Bible say on such topics? Once, the evangelical church spoke with an essentially united voice...
The Bible and Tattoos The Bible does not explicitly mention tattoos at any point. Specific translations of the Bible may change “marks” to “tattoos,” though this is not what the original book was saying. Leviticus 19:28 The most highly regarded Bible verse about tattoos is Leviticus 19:...
What does the Bible say about laity? His premise for the extensive use of laity in ministry was thedoctrine of the "priesthood of believers," the belief that each Christian is to be a priest to his or her own neighbor. "You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation," I Peter...