And does the Bible have anything to say about it? The answer is that the Bible has a lot to say on meditation and it gives us clear instruction on how we should take part in the growing trend of mindfulness. Meditation is a good practice that is encouraged in the Old and New Testament...
What Does the Bible Say about How We Should Relate to People with Narcissism? Timothy stated, “They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able...
While I would never presume to suggest Christian clergy re-read the Holy Bible with an eye to early scripture and suicide, I would suggest they read, What Does the Bible Say about Suicide? by my now deceased friend and colleague, Reverend James T Clemons. Ignorance of your own scriptures ...
#2: I now want to be more honorable toward women. I've found that girls often don't fully understand what's going on when it comes to sex. That is, their perspective on the whole thing is very different from a guy's. Often a girl will justify sex by saying, "But I love him,"...
What does the word נורא (nora) mean and how should it be used? The word נורא (nora) has gone through some interesting changes over the years. It appears in the Bible, meaning “awesome” or “awe-inspiring” in refere...
If you are wondering what the Bible says about pre-marital or marital sex, use these verses about sex to study in context what God would have for you to learn in regards to physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy.
Chapter 2 - This is what Isaiah, son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. Zion, the Royal City of God - In days to come, The mountain of the
What Does the Bible Say about How We Love Each Other? Most Popular 10 Positive Biblical Affirmations to Meditate on before You Go to Sleep Alicia Searl The Best Birthday Prayers to Celebrate Friends and Family Editorial Staff Is Trump the Beast? Judy McEachran What Are ...
Adam Was Not the First Human, for the Bible Tells Us So Was Einstein Christian? Einstein attended a Catholic school from the ages of 5 to 8, so he most likely was exposed to Christian theology at this young, impressionable age. “As a child I received instruction both in the Bible an...
What does the Bible say about tears? They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.” And the One seated...