Many who claim that God inspired all written in the Bible to be true about God suggests we are made in God’s image. (Gen 1:27) If God is good, this suggests God created us with an inborn sense of good and evil. Self-evident rights aren’t hidden in the Bible or any Book. Even...
And yet, the Protestant Reformers themselves—Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli—honored the perpetual virginity of Mary and recognized it as the teaching of the Bible, as have other, more modern Protestants. The Protoevangelium of James “And behold, an angel of the Lord stood ...
Those who accept a martyr’s death are promised a crown, but nowhere does the Bible grant an exemption for those who reject Jesus, coercion notwithstanding. Not in the Church Age, and not during the Tribulation. “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall l...
For Paul, as for all ancient interpreters, the Bible is not essentially a record of things that happened or were spoken in the past. That they happened is of course true; but if they were written down in the Bible, it was not so as to record what has occurred in some distant past,...
Martin Lutherpublicly taughtthat only the Bible should be used as doctrine. One of the rallying cries of his movement wassola Scriptura(translated in English as 'the Bible alone'). This is one of the major positions that many professing Protestants respect Martin Luther for. ...
that the waters of grace have risen up to the neck of the soul, so that it can neither advance nor retreat -- nor does it know how to do so; it seeks only the fruition of exceeding bliss. It is like a dying man with the candle in his hand, on the point of dying the death...
At first blush it might seem so, but most people see at once that the argument is weak. One reason Fundamentalists talk about the Inquisition is that they imagine it was established to eliminate the Fundamentalists themselves. Not “Bible Christians” They identify themselves with the Cathari...
reasonable still doesn't mean Jesus had anything to do with it, it may just have been someone else trying to make some marginal ammends for prior nonsense introduced to the Bible. So what am I missing here, where's the evidence that Jesus was anything more than some poor schmoe who got...
Where shall we find that mysterious number 666? Does the pope, as some claim, wear it on his crown, identifying him as the beast of Revelation 13? Or must we look for it elsewhere? Here are all the Bible scriptures speaking directly of this number: "And that no man might buy or sell...
"In the Bible, a person is a unity. Body and soul or spirit are not opposite terms, but rather terms which supplement one another to describe aspects of the inseparable whole person. Such a holistic image of a person is maintained also in the New Testament even over against the Greek cul...