To Joel: If you look in the Bible, all the natural cures are in there. God gave us exactly what we need for our bodies to be strong and healthy and to stop taking all that man made garbage they call medicine. It is all about profit and drugs have not cured one patient but managed...
Isaiah 2-12 New American Bible (Revised Edition) Chapter 2 1 [a]This is what Isaiah, son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. Zion, the Royal City of God 2 [b]In days to come,The mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the highest mountain and raised above ...
In despair they could only stand by and watch the effects of an influence which was far greater than theirs. But for all that, Presley was to all appearance religious. During his life… He spent hours reading the Bible aloud and forced the visitors to the converted church building house in...
I know, Mate and I drew up the list ourselves in the pretty script we'd been taught by the nuns for writing out Bible passages. It was in those old and plenty fields that Pedrito and his son and a few of the other men buried the boxes once we got them loaded and sealed. In ...
“How long does that thing take to boil?” he continued, staring in horror at my lightweight soda can and windshield contraption. “Dunno, fifteen minutes maybe?” I guessed. Larry almost spat out the whiskey he’d just sipped. “Jesus!” he hollered. “Seriously?” I laughed and ...
Your personal beliefs about homosexuality, about the sanctity of one man/one woman unions – your religious affiliation, what you were taught, the notions with which you are most comfortable, your reading or misreading of the Bible: none of these are of the slightest issue. I’m sorry, but...
without knowing a thing about it or even remembering the previous week’s teaser, I had been having a conversation with myself in the car that morning about the Bible’s Old and New Testament proscriptions against eating the blood of animals and the inherently blasphemous nature of vampire ...
The only person who spoke in our Christmas pageant, actually, was the angel, who would read aloud from the Bible as nativity players assembled themselves.The role of the angel, therefore, had to go to a child who read well enough and spoke clearly enough to recite the appropriate passages....
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go. -Dr. Suess
Mike Pompeo and William Barr proudly profess their catholic faith as if the bible doesn’t instruct them to ‘love thy neighbor as thyself’ and to be a good samaritan and help those in need. They, like many who profess to be devout are actually using their supposed ‘faith’ as a way...