a. To obtain from a source; derive or draw: This book takes its title from the Bible. b. To obtain, as through measurement or a specified procedure: took the patient's temperature. c. To write or make a record of, especially in shorthand or cursive writing: take a letter; take notes...
The word baptize in Greek is baptizo, which literally means “to dip.” This is so interesting. Let’s say I have a big 2-gallon red dye vat and a white cloth. When I “dip” the white cloth into the vat of red dye, what does it look like when I take it out? A red cloth...
The only person who spoke in our Christmas pageant, actually, was the angel, who would read aloud from the Bible as nativity players assembled themselves.The role of the angel, therefore, had to go to a child who read well enough and spoke clearly enough to recite the appropriate passages....
I've had a rule of thumb for a while that helps me identify quacks with a high degree of accuracy. It's not very sensitive, as a lot of quacks don't exhibit this trait, but it's very specific. A lot of quacks don't use the term; so not hearing says nothi
A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it. —Edward Steichen 32 It says in the Bible, in plain words, that God made a self-portrait. He created man in His own image - man and woman - for God is Love.Why should we start thinking of a god up in the clouds...
If we used these algorithms to evaluate anti-aging interventions, we would conclude that the best treatments we have are facelifts and hair dye. Brass tacks: People with different positions about the root cause of aging all agree that (a) aging manifests as damage, and (b) methylation and...
I believe that the source of all that you have mentioned in this email comes from the truths in the first chapter of the Bible … Genesis 1 … In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. If you will take a moment to look up and read this beautiful chapter and the follow...
Highlights, $200.It was 2002, I was still new to short hair, and I thought I wanted to be "edgy." I initially wanted blue hair, actually, but this was before normal people could really sport blue hair, and every hairdresser I went to was like, Woman, don't dye your hair blue. ...
In some ways explaining what bonded leather is can be the same as describing the difference between ground beef and steak. The material is leather that is "left over" or otherwise not in its original form, pressed together and adhered to other leather via a bonding agent. This type of ...