But the closer a marriage looks like God’s design (with limitless love, mutual submission, forgiveness, kindness, selflessness, etc.), the more it presents the gospel to the world. Frequently Asked Questions about Marriage Why Does the Bible Say Marriage Should Only Be Between Men and Women...
In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor; let them be caught in the schemes that they have devised. For the wicked boasts of the desires of his soul, and the one greedy for gain curses and renounces the Lord. In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him; all his thou...
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in Isaiah the prophet, “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way, the voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight,’” J...
What does the Bible say about cloning? You probably didn’t think you’d ever have to ask it. Your gut reaction may be, “Well, cloning seems bad because of the moral implications.” Implications like, would a clone have a soul?” Is a clone an abomination in the eyes of God? What...
Daniel provides the names of two angels, but there are a vast number of them. Why did God create these spirit beings? What does the Bible say about angels?
Our first Bible text is from the Gospel of Mark 8:38. Here are the words of our Jesus, “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels...
What does glorified in the Bible mean? 1 :to honor or praise as divine glorify God. 2 : to give honor and praise to glorify a hero. What does the Bible say about being glorified? Scripture says God created us for His glory (Isa. 43:7) and instructs us to“do everything for the...
Let’s look at some Bible verses about humility. What Does the Bible Say About Humility? Ultimately,Jesus is the perfect example of humility. But these Bible verses about humility help us to cultivate this virtue in ourselves so that we can become more like Jesus. ...
What does God say about involvement with the occult? He warned the Israelites against it when they were about to enter the Promised Land of Canaan. It's in the Bible, Deuteronomy 18:9-12 NIV. "When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the det...
Riches and wealth can be a trap, learn how riches are not forever, along with all of the main Bible verses on how we are to look at money in this life.