What does the Bible say about… what the Bible says about it Home About Blog ContactIt’s not easy to find out what the Bible says about a certain subject. Why not look it up here in this comprehensive Bible reference site. ACCEPTANCE, WANTING Definition: In the social sense, to be...
Read What Is Love? Bible Definition by Kristi Walker and more articles about Christian Terms and Wiki on Christianity.com
Why Does the Bible Say Marriage Should Only Be Between Men and Women? Marriage was defined by God, in the very beginning, as one man, one wife, joined together, unity, indivisibility, and that union that takes place. And actually, just the whole complementarity that we are two parts of ...
questions on “What does the Bible say about…” questions answered by well-known Christians and theologians to find more inspiration. Remember that as you read these articles, the Holy Spirit will give you understanding and discernment to make the right decision for your walk with Jesus Christ!
What does the Bible say about not comparing yourself to others? 1 Corinthians 4:7 When we compare ourselves to others, we are agreeing with the plans of the enemy for our lives. Comparison is the thief of joy and the stretcher of truth. ...
The Holy Spirit works with an active mind, not a passive one. When the Bible says to meditate on God’s word, it means to think about, to chew on, to try and figure out what the different Scripture verses mean. It does not mean to totally blank your mind out waiting for illumination...
We live in a time where the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, current possibilities of economic and societal collapse, and crime have people buying guns and ammunition in large quantities for self protection. What does the Bible say about that? What does the Bible say about so-called "assault we...
What does the Bible say about filial piety? (Exodus 20:12) Respect for parents (filial piety) derives from gratitude toward those who, by the gift of life, their love and their work, have brought their children into the world and enabled them to grow in stature, wisdom, and grace. ...
While I would never presume to suggest Christian clergy re-read the Holy Bible with an eye to early scripture and suicide, I would suggest they read, What Does the Bible Say about Suicide? by my now deceased friend and colleague, Reverend James T Clemons. Ignorance of your own scriptures ...
What does the Bible say about death? Discover Bible Studies We Can Believe in God Get Free Study Ask a Bible Question Do you have a Bible question? Our team will gladly respond to your questions with Bible based answers. Ask Your Question Now ...