Phil Vischer
it's easy to forget to say thanks to the folks you work with. Every day at work is made better with the presence of colleagues, clients, and bosses who support and inspire us. In the spirit of the season, extend a “'Happy Thanksgiving" to your work family with our messages...
You’re going to think this is strange, but the day I watched this episode, without knowing a thing about it or even remembering the previous week’s teaser, I had been having a conversation with myself in the car that morning about the Bible’s Old and New Testament proscriptions agai...
To Joel: If you look in the Bible, all the natural cures are in there. God gave us exactly what we need for our bodies to be strong and healthy and to stop taking all that man made garbage they call medicine. It is all about profit and drugs have not cured one patient but managed...
The Pleiades have even been mentioned in the Bible! So, you see, no matter where we look in our “starry” history, this cluster of seven bright stars has been part of it. But, let’s have some Halloween fun! The date of the Pleiades culmination (its highest point in the sky) ...
I’ve always wondered – do chickens have vaginas, and what hole does an egg comes out of? Is it the same hole as their poop? How does this all work?Chicken eggs may be one of the pregnancy superfoods, but the reproductive and digestive design of a chicken seems super-gross. ...
If melanin is responsible for our skin coloring AND HAIR color, can taking a supplement help premature graying of your hair? Byanon2071— On Jun 26, 2007 i am having serious trouble tanning i spend all day in the sun everyday and i don't get any color what so ever.i recently had br...
I'm thinking that 50 years ago in Sioux Falls people were saying the same thing they say today. 'Doggone, it sure does cost a lot to live these days!'. So what did it cost to live in our great city back in the 'old days'? What did your parents or grandparents pay for this, ...
) The doctrine of those who deny a supernatural agency in the miracles and revelations recorded in the Bible, and in spiritual influences; also, any system of philosophy which refers the phenomena of nature to a blind force or forces acting necessarily or according to fixed laws, excluding ...
I'm thinking that 50 years ago in Sioux Falls people were saying the same thing they say today. 'Doggone, it sure does cost a lot to live these days!'. So what did it cost to live in our great city back in the 'old days'? What did your parents or grandparents pay for this, ...