Listening to what Christians from other cultures hear the Bible saying (and not saying) can help us interpret Scripture more accurately. But, even then, I believe Scripture stands authoritatively above the experience of all Christians. It’s always possible to say, “I see how you understand ...
or a lone voice in the wilderness. someone who is pointing out the dangers in a situation or the truth about it, but nobody is paying any attention. What does John 1 29 say? In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads:The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and ...
Ancient texts written by Hermes Trismegistus are said to be inscribed on the tablets, which would make them a valuable source of information on cultures from around 3200 BC. This makes them older than even some of the most famous writings such as The Bible or The Koran. Some believe that t...
often in low spirits.But one day I came__4__a sentence in the Bible:"Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day."It suddenly struck me:"__5__(worry) about a problem doesn't help.Why not just gi...
E looked as she always does: joyful and rosy and well-made. She reached her hand up to my forehead where a series of lines no longer fully recede when I relax. “I know what these lines are for, Mommy,” she said. “They are my maze.” She traced them with her finger as if ...
When I called you My royal priesthood and My chosen people, I did not hand-pick failures. Erase, remove and kick out those thoughts. Your roadmap, the Bible, has every avenue for success. Get into the victory groove – it’s yours!
Paul:Enough of this. Let’s get down. What does the Word of God say? How does your life stand in front of that blazing fire which is the Holiness of God? On that final day, beloved, precious little girl. Beloved, precious young man, on that final day, will your confession hold tru...
Even in the Church, it makes sense for the impulses and aspirations of a pope to be at least somewhat restrained by institutional experience and judgment. The authority given a pope means he must be circumspect in what he says and does, and the ecclesiastical equivalent of civil servants, who...
Lice is in fact, one of the ten curses in the bible, along with BOILS and LASTING DARKNESS and the DEATH OF YOUR FIRSTBORN. Hmmmm. I think our situation was made slightly more challenging, considering that Stella had been climbing in an out of boxes filled with ALL THE BEDDING WE OWNED...
do what Jewish teens have done for close to a thousand years; read the Hebrew blessings and prayers shared at a Saturday morning service, carry the Torah scroll around the sanctuary for congregants to see and chant a passage in ancient Hebrew from one of the first 5 books of the Bible. ...