His life belonged to the Lord, and he was called to a life of celibacy. Allberry’s quote reminds us: we all belong to God. Christian girls do not belong to their fathers or their (prospective) husbands. Avoiding sex before marriage is not a matter of trying to be good enough or of...
The Bible tells us to forgive our enemies; not our friends. Generally, it seems to be the case that woman aphorists of yore were conditioned by the same strictures which remain in place today: The men sound more angry (because they are allowed to express anger) whereas the women sound re...
Why is the season calledLent? Lentis the Old English word forspring. In almost all other languages, Lent’s name is a derivative of the Latin termquadragesimaor “the forty days.” Why is Lent approximately forty days long? In the Bible, forty days is a traditional number of discipline...
The Institution of the Mass Call No Man "Father"? Celibacy and the Priesthood Grace: What It Is and What It Does Assurance of Salvation? Purgatory Birth Control Adam, Eve, and Evolution Is Catholicism Pagan? Fundamentalist or Catholic?
Why does the Pope wear a big hat? The skull cap, or zucchetto, was originally used by clergy members hundreds of years ago because when they took a vow of celibacy, a ring of hair was cut off their heads. The skull caps were used to cover that part of the head to retain body heat...
it would require professing Christians who are gay to have the courage both to avow their orientation openly and to obey the Bible’s clear injunction to turn away from the active homosexual life-style… Second, it would require the church to accept, honor, and nurture non-practicing gay beli...
--- Footnote: (1) The Bible which I consult does not contain the so-called deutro- canonical or Apocryphal books of the Old Testament. This Bible is published by the American Bible Society (New York 1893 ) . The title runs thus Kthahhi Qaddishi Dadiathiqi Wadiathiqi Khadatt An ...
4013 or kclayton@ivpress.com ivpress.com/books I had a right to be straight, didn't I? Wasn't that implied by the Bible's mandates against homosexuality? Most of the Christians I knew seemed to think so: that there was no such thing as being born gay; that God was just waiting ...
Has it not preached in the place of these, charity and poverty, celibacy and mortification of the flesh, monastic life and Mother Church? Christian socialism is but the holy water with which the priest consecrates the heart-burnings of the aristocrat. ...
“From the time I was a teenager, I’ve started every day the exact same way,” said a handsome man who wore a fedora and spoke with confidence. “First, I look in the mirror and ask myself, ‘Does this outfit look too gay?’” ...