AG Anestesia General (Spanish, French: general anesthesia) AG Albert Gore Jr. (former US vice president) AG Alternating Gradient AG Antenna Group AG Accredited Genealogist AG Airlift Group AG Assistance Groups AG Address Generator AG Andean Group AG Area Governor AG Adjutant General's Corps AG ...
adjutant birds adjutant general adjutant general adjutant general adjutant general Adjutant General Information Strategy Adjutant General Message Center Adjutant General Officer Basic Course Adjutant General's Corps Adjutant General's Department Adjutant General's Department of Texas Adjutant General's Office Ad...
Laura’s initial assignment, from April to July 1992 was as the Chief, Health and Fitness Section in the G1 section of the Headquarters of III Corps, then she was given command of B Company, 1st Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, which was what the Army calls a “Command Aviation Compan...
. Within a year Custer, due to his bravery, was promoted to Captain and was the adjutant to Major General George B. McClellan of the Army of the Potomac. Custer was one of the first soldiers to ascend in a balloon to do reconnaissance. . Custer was at the Battle of Antietem (Sharpsb...
AGC Adjutant General's Corps AGC Art Glass Ceramic AGC Automatic Gauge Control (steel industry) AGC Aggrecan AGC Aggressive Content (behavioral health) AGC Absolute Granulocyte Count AGC Attorney Grievance Commission AGC American General Corporation AGC Association of Graphic Communications AGC Association ...
AGAdjutant General's Corps AGAdministrative Guide AGAverage Gypsy(band) AGAmbiguously Gay AGAuxiliary Generator AGAdenine-Guanine AGAgriculture Glossary AGAttitude Gyro(NASA) AGAkademija za Glasbo(Music Academy; Ljubljana, Slovenia) AGAnti-Ground ...