NJNew Jersey(US postal abbreviation) NJNice Job NJNational Jewish(Medical & Research Center) NJNo Joke NJNick Jonas(of Jonas Brothers) NJNew Jack(pro wrestler) NJNeighbor-Joining NJNorma Jean NJNorsk Journalistlag(Norway) NJNot Joking
FMFederated States of Micronesia(US postal abbreviation) FMFormat FMField Manual(Army) FMFactory Mutual FMFootball Manager(computer game) FMFinancial Management FMFamily Member(AUXMIS) FMFebruary, March(budget times in Indian states) FMFree Market ...
RReceived(logging abbreviation) RRacing(car version) RRisk Assessment RRadio Operator RThursday(using one letter for each day of week) RRussian(rabbit breed) RRural RRelevant(polygraphy) RRear RResistance RRouter RSet of Real Numbers(math) ...
RReceived(logging abbreviation) RRacing(car version) RRisk Assessment RRadio Operator RThursday(using one letter for each day of week) RRussian(rabbit breed) RRural RRelevant(polygraphy) RRear RResistance RRouter RSet of Real Numbers(math) ...
NHNew Hampshire(US postal abbreviation) NHNew Haven NHNursing Home NHNational Highway(Australia, India) NHNot Here NHNippon Ham(Japan) NHNathaniel Hawthorne(author) NHNaval Hospital NHNorthern Hemisphere NHNew Hire NHNatural Horsemanship(horse trainers; Orlando, FL) ...