MnemonicsOffers insight on the usefulness of mnemonics. Examples of mnemonics; Benefits of using mnemonics; Techniques involved in mnemonics.BOB PEASEElectronic Design
What is the medical coding of swimmers ear (right ear) and acute serous otitis media (left ear)? When assessing a patient's pupils and noting no abnormalities, you record your findings as "PERRLA." What does each letter in the acronym ...
BROMBlenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet(mnemonic; War of Spanish Succession English victories) Copyright, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's...
NEWSNever Eat Soggy Wheat(mnemonic for compass points) NEWSNaval Environmental Watch Steward NEWSNothing Ever Worth Saying NEWSNAVAIDS, Emergency Return, Weather, Standard Instrument Departure/Speeds NEWSNetwork of European Worldshops(Germany) Copyright, All rights reserved. ...
PEMDAS Purple Elephants Marching Down A Street (mnemonic for order of operations in math equations) PEMDAS Pink Elephants Marching Down a Street (mnemonic for order of operations in math equations) PEMDAS Picking Eminem Made Dre a Star (mnemonic for order of operations in math equations) Copyright...
I know the word sic is often used in newspapers when things are being transcrined and it indicates a spelling error or grammatical (sic) error, but what does the word stand for?? Sort by date Sort by votes Sep 9, 2004 #2 PennyB Technical User Jul 4, 2002 252 GB According to ...
Jhubbard78 To attach a file, first click on "Reply" then on "Open full text editor" Then down at the bottom of that window, you should see where you can drag and drop the file. IF that doesn't work, which is possible, then we will need to exchange the file by Personal Messaging...
It does seem like this ought to be part of the Rust standard library, but the only similar facility is std::mem::transmute(), which does the same thing. But it also much more powerful things as well, and is therefore marked unsafe. (I’m trying to avoid having any code that needs ...
Works well for the console, but less well for piping and redirecting to a file (but would you want to redirect anyway? It's a little pointless when you could just "h get"). Anyway, some of the C++ compiler options are arbitrary, but others are a little mnemonic, e.g. /c to ...
(being) import. The way I have said this mnemonically for years is: end, do, and be. END… as in… the end goal you have to have in mind (or else it is like a game into which you are “thrown”) before you even start playing the game. The end ishypothetical while you are ...