What does scruples mean in the Bible? Having scruples iskind of like having a conscience: your morals or scruples cause you to act in ways you think are right. The idea of scruples has to do with ethics and morality: what is right and wrong. If you had no scruples at all, you'd j...
What Does it Mean to Study the Bible?ChrisAsk any pastor or minister what you should do to grow spiritually, and one thing will invariably make the list: Bible study. Why study the Bible? 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the...
He was near unto death from preaching and teaching the message of Christ in Rome, while Paul was imprisoned there. It was dangerous work to stand for Christ and proclaim His message in the capital of the Roman empire. When I speak of the work of the Lord, I’m speaking of church work...
Text in GermanKuhlein, Detlef
"It is a truism that Plato's teaching has profoundly influenced Christian anthropology." (Forward by F.F. Bruce, The Fire that Consumes, Edward Fudge)Conclusion: Except for the Epicureans, Greek philosophers taught of the soul's natural immortality-without God.Jewish...
The manhood of the slave is conceded. It is admitted in the fact that Southern statute books are covered with enactments forbidding, under severe fines and penalties, the teaching of the slave to read or to write. When you can point to a...
love does and does not do. Love is the foundation for Paul's teaching in the following chapter on prophecy, tongues, and even orderly worship. While this section is often quoted in romantic settings, such as a wedding, the concept in mind is that ofagape: a self-sacrificing, godly love...
found that things are not normal. Perhaps you are also teaching in person; perhaps you are virtual; perhaps you are hybrid. Whatever your situation, teaching this past year has looked different from how it has before. Forget the “new normal”, I just want to go back to the “old ...
What is being on sabbatical mean? English Language Learners Definition of sabbatical :a period of time during which someone does not work at his or her regular job and is able to rest, travel, do research, etc. How do you use the word sabbatical?
What does the term ex cathedra mean, and where did the Catholic Church come up with it? Answer: Ex cathedra is a Latin phrase which means “from the chair.” It refers to binding and infallible papal teachings which are promulgated by the pope when he officially teaches in ...