It might not take much to know what TBH means, but parents have a lot to catch up on if they want to keep their teenagers safe. Here are some frequently asked questions about TBH and internet slang. What Does TBH Stand For? TBH stands for “to be honest.” It’s a very common sla...
Millions of users worldwide use Snapchat every day as a platform for media sharing and communication. The terminology and jargon on Snapchat could appear weird at first. WRD is a phrase frequently used on the site. Discover the meaning of “WRD” on Snapchat and why it’s crucial to comp...
Many other such terms are also popular on social media.These include TBH, which stands for ‘to be honest,’ AFAIK which stands for ‘as far as I know,’ OMG which stands for oh my god, or TL;DR which stands for ‘too long; didn’t read’. ...
Interjection. tks. (Internet slang, telex) Abbreviationof thanks. What does TBHH mean? Nina Godlewski. May 27, 2016, 10:48 AM. Tbh is now an Instagram currency. Flickr / RansomTech. "Tbh," the acronym that stands for "to be honest," has taken on a different meaning since it was fi...
If you venture onto Instagram, you'll see that TBH takes on another meaning. Users will use TBH as if it were a noun; for example, "like for a tbh" or "I'll give you a tbh." So, what does TBH mean on Instagram? On Instagram, TBH still keeps its meaning of "To Be Honest."...
Jenni Ryall is Mashable's VP of Content Strategy. She spends her time launching cool, new things such as Mashable Deals and Mashable Reels. On the other days, she is developing strong partnerships with companies including Apple News, Flipboard, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Reddit....
TBH= to be honest Tea = gossip Thicc = voluptuous, curvy body (usually a compliment) Thirsty = wants attention, or usually from a specific person Throw shade = talking badly about a person or thing Tweaking = high, usually on amphetamines ...
Right, so now how does one build aneffectiveme-fist kit. Well, it takes a few steps and a little time. It’s something that will always be evolving, as the things that make you happy in life really do change. WHY ARE YOU ANXIOUS?
So ladies (and the four gentlemen who read this blog), take heart: ghosting is real, yes, and it is shitty, but it doesn’t mean you should lose any self-respect, nor does it mean you should lose faith in dating. When someone ghosts, they’re making it very easy for you to see...