Remember that, just because you have a similar loss, this does not mean your experience will be similar. But you can acknowledge and validate their right to grieve, no matter how similar or dissimilar their experience is to your own. So What Now? Like all things in grief, there is no ...
It makes me not want to go to one, because then it feels like I HAVE to get busy planning one in return. Where does it end?? When do you call a dinner party truce?? TBG thinks I am now a prime candidate for the title of Queen of Curmudgeons….he might be right…I just want...
Hi Doug. I'm sorry I'm not much help myself. I've done another snip with the merge field codes revealed but I'm unsure if that's what you mean. The Merge Field that is showing as highlighted in grey is the problem one that doesn't work. I'm trying to say in that...
I told Mr. Cherrie which surprised him, “I’d have moved to the arctic circle and live in a tent if that was what was keeping me warm at night.”But does Mike Fisher get