Whether you’re a fan of Taylor Swift or not, it’s hard to deny the cultural and financial juggernaut the pop superstar has become this year. Her album “Midnights,” released in late 2022, was the year’s top-seller at 1.8 million copies, twice that of the second-biggest by Harry S...
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NEW YORK (AP) — Taylor Swift has released her 11th studio album, “The Tortured Poets Department.” But just how poetic is it? Is it even possible to close read lyrics like poems, divorced from their source material? The Associated Press spoke to ...
“Taylornomics” Same things happen on the other side of the globe. Yes, it’s the “Taylornomics” that even caught curious attentions from the US Federal Reserve, the country’s central bank, as the American pop icon Taylor Swift’s 20-city Eras Tour is on track to become the biggest...
While Taylor Swift has had her eras, so have her fans who have followed the musician's style every step of the way. From sparkly footwear and headbands, Taylor's influence on her fans' fashion choices cannot be denied. Here are 30 examples of Taylor Swift fans showing they are the most...
no support! I don't like your little games 我讨厌你的那点小伎俩 Don't like your tilted stage 也讨厌你的倾斜舞台 The role you made me play of the fool 你让我扮演愚蠢的角色 No I don't like you 不,我真不喜欢你 I don't like your perfect crime 我讨厌你那自以为是的完美陷害 How ...
"I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now." "Why?" "Oh, 'cause she's dead!" 从开场的rose up from dead,霉霉一直在强调过去的自己已死,这个自己可能是媒体塑造的形象,可能是过去软弱的一面,总之旧霉已死,有事烧纸!新霉重生,煞气腾腾!
"Taylor Swift's ability to leverage streaming platforms while maintaining a strong physical sales presence creates a unique financial advantage," Heiche said. Property values Swift owns both a condo and estate in Nashville, Tennessee, plus second, third and fourth homes. She has an estate in Los...