Another way of finding influential experts is to useFollowerwonk. With the help of this tool you can search for target keywords in users’ Twitter bios. You can also export the list of followers of a well-known brand within your niche and sort them by their number of followers. This way,...
what do you like the what do you mean by what do you saykiddo what do you see what do you think abo what do you think of what do you think of what do you think of what does she think a what does that includ what does the man wom what does top mean in what does your father...
In this unit, we've discussed seven factors that can be early indicators of eventual startup failure. These are only indicators, and of course they don't mean that your startup is definitely going to fail, nor are they an exhaustive list of all the things that can go wrong in your sta...
Hyper-V trunk mode to VM - how to target a specific virtual NIC using powershell I am getting below error Try statement is missing its catch or Finally block, WHile i am running my script to install application after checking domain I am having a problem importing a csv file into Powersh...
My E5 quantity is less than 80 and I want the E5 value to be used, rounded up to the next multiple of 10. Should I use the 'ISO CEILING' function or the 'CEILING.MATH' function to complete the NO argument, and where do I put the brackets?
I'm in Purview and looking at the filterable activities under Audit and I run across "Denied access request." Looking at the description in the docs, it says...
Data analysis can help answer questions like, "What demographics define my target audience?" or "What is my audience motivated by?" Inform decisions You don't need to toss and turn over a decision when the data points clearly to the answer. For instance, a restaurant could analyze which ...
What does inference mean in deep learning? Deep learning is training machine learning algorithms using a neural network that mimics the human brain. This allows the recognition and extrapolation of subtle concepts and abstractions seen, for example, in natural language generation. Can AI inference be...
A) When you say "contains from two to four different SO #'s," does that mean you have 2 to 4 SO#s like 1234 5678 9012 3456 or that the PO#s can be from 2 to 4 digits long like 23 456 7890 23? B) When you say "The 2 to 4 values are separated by spaces, in some cases...