Linux: In Linux, Logtail is installed in the/usr/local/ilogtaildirectory and initiates two independent processes whose names start with ilogtail. One is a collection process and the other is a daemon. The program operational logs are stored in the/usr/local/ilogtail/ilogtail.LOGfile. For more...
in the filesystem to be optimized. This can sometimes make them a little smaller and slightly faster to search, but in practice, you should rarely need to use this option. The -D option will detect directory entries with duplicate names in a single directory, which e2fsck normally does not...
How to Install Linux You’ve heard about the Linux operating system. But have you tried it on your PC? It’s easy to do – in many cases, you don’t even have to remove the Microsoft Windows OS you’re using now. And Linux is virtually cost-free. So what are you waiting for?
a named pipe creates a file handle which allows both the sender and receiver processes to access the same pipe simultaneously for communication purposes. this allows for more complex interactions than just sending simple data buffers back and forth as regular pipes do. how does named piping work?
Heap overflow: It occurs when the memory allocated dynamically by the program exceeds the heap size. A heap is a first in first out (FIFO) data structure used to store data that is required for a long time during program running. When the heap overflows, even if the program does not st...
$</dev/zerohead-c20G|tail Fixing the Out of Memory Error When Installing Interactive Brokers TWS on Linux When installing Interactive Brokers TWS on Linux, I encountered the following error after the installer unpacked the Java Runtime Environment (JRE): ...
But synchronize_rcu() does not acquire any locks while holding rcu_gp_mutex, so there can be no deadlock cycle. Quick Quiz #1: Why is this argument naive? How could a deadlock occur when using this algorithm in a real-world Linux kernel? How could this deadlock be avoided? 5B. "...
The program always runs to completion (i.e. the program does not sit in a loop forever, holding up further processing). 加载eBPF 程序的进程拥有所需的权能(特权)。除非启用非特权 eBPF,否则只有特权进程才能加载 eBPF 程序。 该程序不会崩溃或以其他方式损害系统。
Stack overflow- When a program runs out of memory in the call stack and does not have enough allocated memory to run, it leads to a SIGSEGV error. In all cases, the error appears when attempting an invalid memory location access. The example below shows how a SIGSEGV error happens when ...
Both Apache and NGINX FOSS web servers run freely on Windows Server platform, and do so at a highly-scalable and license-cost-free model. When compared to Linux’s web services, Microsoft’s does not effectively compete. Depending on the licensing situation with Microsoft, web services hosting...