Why does sympathetic mean? Sympathetic meanshaving sympathy—having the same emotions as someone else, especially sadness. Being sympathetic in this way is usually understood to mean that you feel bad for someone because they are in a negative situation. ... To be sympathetic toward someone is t...
others.An automated system?slimited understandingoftheworldmeansitwillalmostnever evaluate(评估)asituationthesamewayahuman would.Andmachinescan?tbeprogrammedinadvancetohandleeveryimaginablesetofevents. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
meterswidearoundasingle-familyhouse.“Whatthatmeansistryingtokeepthatareafreeof 高中英语 选择性必修 第二册 第63页 63 materialthateasilyburns.” ( )5.WhatdoesChrysantheBroikosthinkaboutthebuildingsthatcansurvivestrong earthquakes? A.Theyshouldbefixedenough. B.Theirheightneedstobereasonable. C.Theirlocation...
How to remember the difference between “sympathy” and “empathy”? No doubt you can look back at your personal experiences and recall both an empathetic response and a sympathetic one. Was there a time when you opened up to someone about a serious problem and felt as though you were truly...
2024年公共英语考点真题库 [单项选择题]What does the woman mean 关键词: does woman A.Buy the ticket. B.See a movie. C.Invite a friend. 本题来源:2015年湖北公共英语考试考前冲刺卷 查看最佳答案和解析
1章练习题 Fill in the blanks. In the past century, language teaching and learning practice have been influenced by three different views of language: the view, the view and the view. 【答案】structural,functional,interactional 【解析】上世纪语言教学和语言学习受三种语言观的影响:结构主义,功能主义...
The idea of ‘nature’ is at the very core of science, considered as its flagship and deepest link with human societies. However, while nature preservation has become a major social concern, the idea of nature remains elusive. We examine here the origins
What does it mean when someone is sympathetic? :feeling or showing concern aboutsomeone who is in a bad situation : having or showing feelings of sympathy. : having or showing support for or approval of something.
We published two short animations: what does public data means and how to make a FOI-request (full article covering the topic in Hungarian here). Some legal challenges for FOI in Hungary: the government has stuffed new legislation into a bill that removes the Ministry of Agriculture’s ...
What does the man mean? What does the speakers want to tell us? What is the probable result of the conversation? 五.常见高考听力考点归纳和总结 1.数字 许多听力材料中涉及数字,例如年代、日期、价格、数量等等,并且会以基数词、序数词、分数、小数、百分比等形式出现,这就要求考生辨别各种形式的数字,还...