sycophant noun 巴儿狗, 阿谀者, 拍马屁的人 toady noun 拍马屁的人 Find more words! 哈 See Also in Chinese 哈萨克斯坦 noun Hāsàkè sītǎn Kazakhstan 哈里发 noun Hālǐfā caliph 马大哈 noun, adjective Mǎdàhā careless, scatterbrain, careless person, forgetful 哈哈镜 noun H...
sycophant zhèng zhí de rén yīng gāi kào zì jǐ de nǔ lì qǔ dé chéng gōng ér bù shi liū xū pāi mǎ qù tǎo hǎo shàng jí 正直的人应该靠自己的努力取得成功,而不是溜须拍马去讨好上级。 An upright person should achieve success through his own efforts instead of toadying...
What does obsequious sycophant mean? Obsequiousadjective.Excessively eager and attentive to please or to obey instructions; fawning, subservient, servile. Sycophantnoun. One who seeks to gain through the powerful and influential. Is being pedantic bad? Pedantic Meaning:Almost Always an Insult It typic...
What does Pickthank meaning?noun Archaic. a person who seeks favor by flattery or gossip; sycophant.What does by ends mean?1 : a subordinate end especially : a selfish motive they are all for by-ends, the whole clan of them — R. L. Stevenson.What does tittling mean?
It’s pretty intuitive, we’re not going to lie. The timer starts ticking once you’ve committed the crime (or a lawsuit’s inciting incident has occurred). This does not mean the time starts once the crime has been discovered. Which means if you commit a crime and nobody ever knows ...
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 佞臣 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 佞臣 is sycophantic courtier .
How am I doing it? It’s the sort of larger-picture framing that developers and managers don’t necessarily have the time to tackle at every weekly one-on-one, but if you wait for the six-month or annual review, then “surprises will creep in,” Hays said. Even if you don’t expl...
However, all this does not mean that caste discrimination did not happen. But even the worst discrimination of Dalits can never compare to what Christians and Islamists have wrought on this world. Tell it to the family of Rohit Vemula. Tell it to the family of George Floyd. 1. ...
Hope u not putting me in that last because I am not Bliz white knight sycophant. Vic1ouS Farscape Aug 2024 Pointing out reasons of why there’s no pointing in whining is… whining ? If cared to take a better look at what was written in that post was criticism (not whining) More...
Does it mean I cheated my way into Harvard? Or I was a “legacy” admit because my parents went to Harvard (I can assure you that is not the case). Or does it mean I’m an affirmative action beneficiary? I *really* want to know what you mean. Thank you in advance for your ...