Definitions include: to try to swoop on somebody's lover. hot potato Definitions include: something no one wants to handle or accept responsibility for. meat-n-potatoes Definitions include: penis potatoes Definitions include: money. potato quality Definitions include: of a photo, poor quality. smal...
Your vote:None(To vote, click the pepper. Vote howvulgarthe word is – not how mean it is.) Where is this slang used? Logged-in users can add themselves to the map.Login,Register,Login instantly with Facebook. Link to this slang definition ...
Em dashes are also known as an m dash, m-rule, long dash, or, in grammatical slang circles, “mutton.”The New York Timeseven called it “the bad boy or cool girl” of punctuation and a freewheeling scofflaw. So there you go! Em Dash Examples You've probably seen a lot of em da...
And this is for all who feel they are in a hopeless, no-win situation. Help is available. The lifelines are out there. But no one can swoop down and carry you away, unfortunately. You’ve got to reach out for the help. But you might be surprised at how many people are willing to...
ANNE:Wait, what does that mean, even I use … You mean because you’re dealing with, like, physical relics? LIZ:Yeah. So obviously, you know, I have binders and binders full of this stuff, but the presentation that people see is one 5x5 square on Instagram oftentimes. So it’s a ...
DTR Definitions include: acronym for "define the relationship". max Definitions include: to relax; "hang out. swoop on Definitions include: to take something or somebody from someone. salami factory Definitions include: a gathering with too many males.How...
Your vote:None(To vote, click the pepper. Vote howvulgarthe word is – not how mean it is.) Least vulgar Most vulgar Where is this slang used? Logged-in users can add themselves to the map.Login,Register,Login instantly with Facebook. ...
Definitions include: a person very high up in an industry's hierarchy. California potato chip Definitions include: dried sperm dig (one's) potatoes Definitions include: to try to swoop on somebody's lover. hot potato Definitions include: something no one wants to handle or accept responsibility...
Definitions include: to try to swoop on somebody's lover. dig out Definitions include: have sex with someone. digs Definitions include: clothing dig up Definitions include: to discover information through investigation. gold digger Definitions include: a woman who is dating a wealthy man only for...