Just because something is delivered as a public record does not mean that it’ll always be a public record. In 2016, a California Supreme Court ruled that if a public agency inadvertently releases a document that should have been exempt, it can demand that the recipient give the document bac...
When does the statute of limitations on debt begin? The “clock” for the statute of limitations on debt typically starts counting down when you miss a payment and your account is marked as delinquent. For example, if you miss a payment on a debt with a five-year statute of limitations ...
"All rights reserved" means that the owner or creator of a work, such as content, intellectual property, or a product, retains exclusive rights and does not grant permission for others to use, copy, or distribute it without explicit authorization. ...
What does New York State mean when they say 'open container?' When can you buy alcohol on a Sunday in NYS?
off. You might be three years into the statute of limitations when you make that single payment with good intentions, but now the debt collector has seven more years to pursue you for the money rather than the four remaining in the previous statute. It extends your period of having bad ...
What is the source of most criminal law today? What state does not extradite? Do state legislatures define crime and punishment? Extradition is the process by which fugitives are What is the statute of limitations on treason? What courts have the judicial power in Georgia? What is the immigra...
' These were the words of actor Charlton Heston as he delivered a speech at a pro-gun convention in 2000. Depending on your opinion of gun control, Heston's sentiment is either celebrated or reviled. But, what does 'gun control' mean? And, why do people react so passionately to the ...
What is International Bill of Human Rights? What is the difference between inalienable rights and natural rights? What are political rights in India? What are some animal rights laws? How does statute law protect human rights in Australia? What is the Residents' Bill of Rights? What legal righ...
So little of what one is threads itself through the eye of empty space faith,personal Against the Nashville Statement faith,links,medicine,music,personal Links for July 16, 2017 parenting,personal This Too Shall Pass criminal justice,politics ...
Do not assume you can just continue paying the mortgage and keep the house.Living in the home of the relative who died – maybe because you were caring for him or her — does not mean you have the legal right to stay there after their death. For example, the deceased may have left ...