mgMean Girls(film) mgMini-Golf mgMaschinengewehr(German: Machine Gun) mgMotor-Generator mgMatch Game mgMini-Game(gaming) mgMilitary Government mgMachine Gunner mgMain Gauche(accordion, left hand side) mgMatt Groening mgMissing Grade(various schools) ...
Fixes issue where study_area defined with Walking travel mode does not get correctly enriched Fixes failure when study_areas argument is a Polygon passed in as a dictionary Country() enrich() Fixes method to ensure extent, list of BufferStudyArea, Geometry, and GeoAccessor objects are accepte...
Due to considerable deviations in part of the results, the mean values of the majority of the parameters (e.g., EC, DOC, Na, Ca, TN, S-SO4) exceeded the range of a typical distribution of observations, resulting in a somewhat misleading image of the intensity of a given parameter (...