Fixes issue where study_area defined with Walking travel mode does not get correctly enriched Fixes failure when study_areas argument is a Polygon passed in as a dictionary Country() enrich() Fixes method to ensure extent, list of BufferStudyArea, Geometry, and GeoAccessor objects are accepte...
Fixes ignore_classes in semantic segmentation models when reduction parameter set to mean Image Translation Models ImageCaptioner bleu_score() Fixes TypeErrror with beam_width and max_len values predict() Fixes AttributeError with object using multispectral data show_results() Fixes incorrect...
mgMean Girls(film) mgMini-Golf mgMaschinengewehr(German: Machine Gun) mgMotor-Generator mgMatch Game mgMini-Game(gaming) mgMilitary Government mgMachine Gunner mgMain Gauche(accordion, left hand side) mgMatt Groening mgMissing Grade(various schools) ...
segment_mean_shift() Adds new parameters: boundaries_only max_num_pixels_per_segment arcgis.raster.utils upload_imagery_to_agol_userstore() Adds support for pjg and pzp formats RouteLayer solve() Adds new parameters: return_traversed_edges return_traversed_junctions return...
segment_mean_shift() Adds new parameters: boundaries_only max_num_pixels_per_segment arcgis.raster.utils upload_imagery_to_agol_userstore() Adds support for pjg and pzp formats RouteLayer solve() Adds new parameters: return_traversed_edges return_traversed_junctions return...