You are getting to know your inner values more fully, and as a result, you are also more aware of the contrasting values around you. Don’t let that lead you to think you can’t relate to people who hold opposing values, or that other people are less spiritual because they are differe...
living beings, and the natural world. In a spiritual awakening, we gain a more intense connection. We feel an intense sense of empathy and an intense sense of compassion for others. This is why awakening is associated with compassion andaltruism. ...
During my fifty years of psychological and spiritual inquiry, I’ve come to realize that a psychologically sound, embodiedspiritualityopens us to deeperintimacyand connection. A genuine spiritual path is not about living in our heads—clinging to convictions weaved by our secu...
Too much thinking about spiritual awakening does not contribute to this state. It just makes the mind restless and more anxious. Mental Training for Spiritual Awakening Though the mind does not participate in spiritual awakening, it plays a significant role in the preparations. It has to learn to...
A spiritual awakening is the integration of the Higher Self with human self. It’s a journey of becoming free within so you are creating this world from an empowered perspective.
My Personal, Transforming Spiritual Awakening And What It MeansMy PersonalPhoto from Via
Food For Thought:In a personal sense each of you have to work out what you feel is the answer to what is spiritual health. Is it important to your health that you live your life in a way so that you feel comfortable with who you are in a spiritual sense? And what does that mean ...
What happens when you have a spiritual awakening? The spiritual awakening. You begin to clear certain things out of your life (habits, relationships, old belief systems) and invite new, more enriching things in. You may feel like something is missing, but you haven't quite figured it out ...
Butthe spiritual path is a process of destruction and purification; it requires you to set afire all hidden illusions and falsities so that you can experience the liberating joy of awakening to yourTrue Nature. Tell me,what has your experience been like with spiritual bypassing? I’d love to...
Spiritual Awakening: What Is On The Inside?As I sat down to write this blog today (5/31/2019) I started to think that we are all limited editions with a cream filling inside as we are divine children of GOD with a hard exterior that covers our soft inside. How many times do we ...