Solution: Convert the table to a normal range or place the formula outside the table to allow it to spill. It's not quite clear why dynamic array formulas do not work from withinExcel tables(maybe because of the specific syntax ofstructured references), but anyway these two very useful thi...
What does Spill error mean in Excel? The Spill error happens most frequently when a spill range on the worksheet is blocked by another element of the worksheet. This is to be anticipated on occasion. For instance, you have input a formula and are anticipating that it will spill. But there...
If the size of the array continues to change during these additional passes and does not stabilize, Excel will resolve the dynamic array as #SPILL!. Results Extend Beyond the Worksheet’s Boundary For example, if we placed in cell B2 the following formula… =VLOOKUP(A:A, A:C, 2, FALSE...
=VLOOKUP([@[Color Number]], colors, 4,FALSE) When I changed the table to have only a single row, your original formula worked. But as soon as I added a second row to that table, both formulas returned #SPILL error value. The fix is shown above. Brad...