In a sphere, two parallel lines would not remain parallel forever; first they would diverge, and then they would converge back onto their point of origin and cross over each other. If the density of matter in the universe is less than the critical density, the geometry of the universe is...
Focusing on the hydrosphere, it encompasses all of Earth’s water, which is crucial for life. This sphere includes surface water, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans; groundwater that saturates the soil and rock beneath our feet; ice and snow found in polar regions and mountain peaks; and w...
I mean, I want to protect them from the lies that are out there in the culture, but I also want to protect them from those voices that I think are going to exploit what our real issues and lead them in a wrong direction. And that’s what I think the red pill does. So that’s...
With modern timekeeping, communications, surveying, and navigation, this is a far easier task to accomplish today than it was in Eratosthenes’ time. 6:30 I thought the Earth wasn’t a perfect sphere. Does this affect this calculation? Yes, but only by a small amount. The centrifugal ...
The latter clause does not seem in perfect harmony with the tone of the earlier part of the verse. There has been no reference in the conversation as reported to any other god to explain Nebuchadnezzar's demand, "Who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?" Moreover, there... See our Editorial ProcessShare Feedback Editors' Picks Literature What Is Travel Fiction? Mythology What Is an Achilles' Heel? Theology What Is the Qur'an? Philosophy What Does "Pay It Forward" Mean? Philosophy ...
“tainted” with its past connotations of colonialism and slavery, echoing the sentiment that “British colonial rulers had coined the name India to overshadow Bharat and forge a British legacy” [‘India’s government has used another name on the world stage. What does ’Bharat’ mean?’SBS ...
Submission does not mean that the men in authority, whether in the church or in the home, are always right. They aren’t. They’re sometimes and often wrong. They sin, as do we. Submission does not mean blind obedience. It does not mean that we sin in order to submit. It doesn’...
For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh,New Living TranslationThe law of Moses was unable to save us because of the weakness...
2) It is a disgrace that well over 20% of American children grow up in poverty. It is a greater moral failing that ending this is not a national priority. The banks have done a terrible job in this sphere. They caused the greatest loss of working class wealth since the Great Depression...