What doesSMHmean? Standing forshaking my head,SMHis an internet slang initialism variously used to convey disappointment, disapproval, frustration, or impatience. Where does SMH come from? Examples of SMH SMDH, really...We probably don't deserve what could be the coolest bus stop in the world...
· RH Road Head · SMDH Shaking My Damn Head · SMGDH Shaking My God Damn Head · SMHID Shaking My Head In Despair · SMHL Shaking My Head Laughing · THABTO Two Heads Are Better Than OneTell a friend about InternetSlang.com Add an acronym - Sitemap - Random Slang ©...
Definitions include: acronym for "pretty damned quick" or "pretty darned quick", i.e. quickly. re-god damn-diculous Definitions include: Extremely ridiculous. SMDH Definitions include: acronym for "shaking my damn head".How common is this slang?I...
SMDH Definitions include: acronym for "shaking my damn head". Other terms relating to 'straight': be straight-up Definitions include: to be truthful. dang straight Definitions include: milder version of "damn straight." go straight Definitions include: to stop committing crime. I'm straight Defi...
TMD means "Damn in Chinese" or "Too Much Detail"So now you know - TMD means "Damn in Chinese" or "Too Much Detail" - don't thank us. YW! What does TMD mean? TMD is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the TMD definition is given. ...
So now you know - BH means "Be Happy" or "Bloody Hell" or "Big Head" - don't thank us. YW! What does BH mean? BH is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the BH definition is given. All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S ...
LIMH means "Laughing In My Head"So now you know - LIMH means "Laughing In My Head" - don't thank us. YW! What does LIMH mean? LIMH is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the LIMH definition is given. ...
Know What SMDH Means? Test Your Knowledge Of New Internet SlangBusinessinsider
LBUS Meaning What Does LBUS Mean? Origins Usage Similar Slang For LBUS Example Conversations LBUS Meaning Infographic Frequently Asked Questions 239 SHARES In the age of internet slang and acronyms, the term “LBUS” has emerged as a popular way to describe a particular type of laughter. The...
INAE Definitions include: acronym for "I'm not an expert". MMORPG Definitions include: acronym for "massively multiplayer online role playing game." zomfg Definitions include: "Oh my fucking God." SMDH Definitions include: acronym for "shaking my damn head". ur Definitions include: "your". ...