·SMASHHave sex ·SMDHESome Mothers Do Have Em ·SMUSHHave sex ·SUSS OR SUSYou have Suss mixed up with SUS. SUS is a slang term for suspicious, but suss is ·TAPHave sex ·WHYBWhere Have You Been? ·WHYDWhat Have You Done?
1. offensive slang USand Canadian a physically disabled person, esp one who is lame. 2. slang a sexual fetishist who likes to be dominated and who dresses in a leather or rubber body suit with mask, zips, and chains. [C20: of unknown origin] What does it mean if someone is a gimp?
What does GOW mean? GOW is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the GOW definition is given. Other terms relating to '(game)': ·AOKAge of Kings (game) All OK ·AOMAge of Mythology (game) ·AQAdventure Quest (game) ...
What doesONGmean? The termONGis an abbreviation that stands for “on God.” The slang phraseon Godis used to express honesty, strong belief, or strong emotions.ONGis used similarly to phrases such asI swear to Godoras God is my witness. The termONGis often used alongside a statement a ...
What does thunderous crash mean? vb. 1 to makeor cause to make a loud noise as of solid objects smashingor clattering. 2 to fall or cause to fall with force, breaking in pieces with a loud noise as of solid objects smashing. 3 intr to break or smash in pieces with a loud noise....
Smash = to hook up, have sex Squad= your closest group of friends Stan = have an intense fandom for a particular object, such as a singer, athlete, or company Straight fire = popular, trendy, or awesome Sus= short for suspect, when something is suspicious or sketchy ...
well, it's a popular slang in hong kong, most of the time it's "勁揪"; however, when one say it, the pronunciation of "揪" is slightly changed to "抽"sound file,sound file"kick ass", "smash", "rock" are some possible translations....
BIL is "Brother In-Law" BIL Definition / BIL Means The definition of BIL is "Brother In-Law" The Meaning of BIL BIL means "Brother In-Law" So now you know - BIL means "Brother In-Law" - don't thank us.YW! What does BIL mean? BIL is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word tha...
Please note that some of these terms might be considered offensive or inappropriate in specific contexts. Other Meanings of SSBBW A less commonly used meaning for the acronym “SSBBW” is Super Smash Brothers Brawl Woman. This refers to a woman who owns aWiiand plays the fighting game Super ...
What Does Smash The Stack Mean? “Smash the stack” is a slang term for manipulating a program in certain programming languages. It generally refers to attempts to cause changes in random memory access that can produce bugs and problem situations. Advertisements Smash the stack is also known ...