the social side of teaching; teachers cannot do any more than they are currently doing; and a fractured relationship with the government. T6 themes included: T6 as a transitional time between online and in person; no faith in the government; concern for the whole child; and relationships are ...
(2009), peer tutoring can be regarded as a method to extend collaboration amongst classroom students, and as an alternative to traditional, one-sided teaching methods. This approach can be effective in helping students develop their skills and knowledge, as well as their ability to work with ...
What does it do to build consumer confidence in the product, in buying a "gem" that will become MORE PRECIOUS ouer time? If cultured pearts lose value, why should consumers put much money into them at aUF Rarity is what has driven prices historically. Fine quality cul- tured pearts are...
From SLT to admin staff, teachers and teaching partners, everyone has an active role to play in encouraging good attendance and supporting families. For classroom staff, that might be a pastoral role based on your relationship with the children you work with. For admin staff and SLT, it ...
Factor Cultural support for entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial orientation University support for entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial confidence Number of items Cronbach alpha Does Cronbach alpha increase if any item deleted? 9 0.914 no 6 0.841 no 5 0.814 no 3 0.775 no Source: own research. Item-total ...
What is your reaction to how a person in a position of power defines your race on the street or in any other context? How could on-going reflecting on your street race and other intersectional social location be part of your scholarship, research, teaching and community engagement? An ...