1. 在香港学普通法的别扭从这个学位的名字就可以知道,Juris Doctor,直译为“法律博士”,但它并不是和PhD,JSD,SJD一样的一个真博士学位。在留学生服务中心认证中一度翻译为“职业法律博士”,近年在港大的毕业证书上赫然出现与llm无异的“法律硕士”。过年,想给断断续续有联系的初中老师汇报我本科毕业的近况,纠结...
what does such and such mean for example,i asked him what time it will take to get Washington and he said such and such a time 是什么意思? 查看翻译 MilkSjdkfrldd 2023年6月2日 英语(美国) @Sheheryar usually it is used as an example phrase. you say it in place of a word in a ...
A large proportion of the evidence base did not provide measures of variability for mean values (51.8 %). Of the remaining studies, measures of variability could be calculated (n = 17) (i.e. calculated for each treatment compared) or reliably estimated (n = 176) (i.e. an overall mean ...
A mean HGS (kg) variable was created from all four measurements. Hand Grip Strength and Its Sociodemographic and Health Correlates among Older Adult Men and Women (50 Years and Older) in Indonesia The mean HGS value for men was significantly higher than that for women (34.1 [+ or -] 10.6...