Until the end of WWⅡ, Shinto used to have a significant impact on various aspects of Japan. Despite the separation of politics and religion, it was practically regarded as an official religion, and also used as a powerful symbol to unite the whole country mentally during the war times. Alt...
What does the lotus flower represent in Daoism? What is Christian legalism? What is the holy book of Hinduism? What is unique about the Shinto religion? What is the religion of the Indus River Valley? Who were the first groups intrigued by Buddhism and Daoism?
Religion is defined as a particular system of faith or worship. People who adhere to a religion tend to give it extreme importance in their lives. Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two main religions. Tenrikyo religion (or Tenriism) is a Japanese New Religion. It is neither monotheistic (beli...
The influence of much of *organised* (Nicene Creed?) christian religion in the West, has (in my opinion) - and long after Jesus himself began his own 'gold standard' expression of god, created the illusion of separation. As if 'god' is somewhere else, and must be approached by various...
Taoic religions are considered to be those that draw their original inspiration from the concept of the Tao, a balancing force that drives the universe. These religions include Taoism, Confucianism and Shinto. Buddhism, an Indian religion, has taken on many Taoic characteristics in East Asia as...
No; nymphs are strictly meant to be FEMALE nature spirits. This does not mean that in Greek myth there are not male nature spirits, only that the females are called nymphs. MALE nature spirits are called satyrs. The Japanese religion that believes all of nature contains the spirits of gods...
Question: What are three western religions? Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: God in Western & Eastern Traditions from Chapter 5/ Lesson 1 8.7K Explore the similarities and differences between how Western and Eastern Worlds perceive God. Compare the East and West and review co...
AIM: WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF Intro to Religions.
The major modern, organized religion that retains these early characteristics the most might be Shintoism in Japan, where there is no barrier to anthropmorphic representation but where the cult object in a Shinto shrine is usually a mirror, or, outside of shrines, some natural object or location...
Question: What is a creation myth? All of Creation: The term "Creation" often refers to the Judeo-Christian story told in the Old Testament of the Bible. However, it has been adopted by sociologists to describe other societies and other religions. ...