So what does super hard mean ?过年在家一整个假期终于左看右看把马斯克的讲座看完了,自我塑造,勇于开始,持之以恒。跟马爸爸的讲座比起来,小马的讲座要实在的多,可能这就是真正的做到客户思维,想到苹果的1997年广告:致疯狂的人。他们特立独行。他们桀骜不驯。他们惹是生非。他们格格不入……只有那些疯狂到...
David Zwang talks with Mary Schilling, certified Print Geek, about the evolution of inkjet technology and its impact on the commercial packaging industry at drupa 2024. They highlight the importance of print beyond paper and the role of innovative printing technologies. They also touch on the use...
Except in the case of avionics equipment, however, where designs are evaluated and certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), such testing does not necessarily cover all the same operating parameters nor rise to the level of fidelity required for formal "certification." Why is that?
Edge technology has to be able to adapt to these environments and perform operations with the same degree of reliability as with connected mode. In some cases, this could mean Edge being capable of having the control logic in case of an event while disconnected, or simply have the store and...