The truth is, depression isn’t always like that. There are smaller signs that may indicate that what you’re experiencing is more than just feeling down or having the blues. What does depression feel like? Some people report the following feelings when they’re depressed: You suddenly have ...
Depression is exhausting and you may need time off work to recover, but your colleagues will cope and you won't be of use to anyone until you feel better. Depression often feels like a horrible black hole from which you will never escape and where time passes very slowly. It is tempting...
Symptoms of collapsed lung include sharp, stabbingchest painthat worsens on breathing or with deep inhalation that often radiates to the shoulder and or back; and a dry, hackingcough. In severe cases a person may go intoshock, which is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical...
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)ECT involves a brief electrical stimulation of the brain while the patient is under anesthesia. ECT rapidly provides substantial improvement in approximately 80 percent of patients with severe, uncomplicated major depression. Like any medical procedure, ECT is associated with...
According to the APA, ECT rapidly provides substantial improvement in approximately 80 percent of patients with severe, uncomplicated major depression. Like any medical procedure, ECT is associated with side effects — most commonly, issues with memory. In most cases, this is short-term; however, ...
Depression A state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention Depression A concavity in a surface produced by pressing; He left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud Depression Angular distance below the horizon (especially of a celestial object) Depression Pus...
What does AFib feel like? It may feel like skipped heart beats, a thud, or a racing heart. You may feel heart racing. See your doctor if you experience these symptoms. The doctor can tell whether you suffer from atrial flutter vs AFib, signs and symptoms of AFib, AFib with RVR (rapid...
Persistent depressive disorder, also called dysthymia, when depression lasts for at least 2 years. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, when children and teens get very cranky, angry, and have intense outbursts that are more severe than a typical reaction ...
Anger and depression. The reduction of problem-solving capabilities and productivity. Physical and mental health problems. Microaggressions affect climate Microaggressions can make the climate at work or school seem cold and uninviting, even hostile. Consider for a moment how your life...
“Depression may be mild, moderate or severe,” said Dr. Deborah Lee, a medical doctor and writer for Dr Fox Online Pharmacy in England. “It can be linked to alcohol or drug use, loneliness or life stresses such as a relationship breakdown or unemployment,” she told Live Science. Depres...