这个多看财务报表才能区别清楚,income在会计上的狭义含义指一个会计期的企业营业收入超过营业支出,即“盈利”,与经济学上的profit同义.广义是指“收入”、“所得”,可以用于指企业营业收入(revenue)、个人收入或个人所得(personal income). revenue在会计上的含义较严格,一般指企业的“营业收入”(“营收”),即企业产...
When a business receives a payment, it is tempting to think of the payment as the moment they earned their income. In the cash-basis method of accounting, journal entries are only made when cash comes in or leaves the business.Answer and Explanation: ...
Why is sales a credit in accounting? Where does sales revenue go on a balance sheet? Does sales of asset show up on an income statement in accounting? What does net purchases mean in accounting? How is the sale of assets reported on an income statement in accounting?
Revenue is the amount earned from a company’s main operating activities, such as a retailer selling merchandise or a law firm providing legal services. Definition of Gain In accounting, a gain is the result of a peripheral activity, such as a retailer selling one of its old delivery trucks...
Reporting revenues in the period in which they are earned is known as the accrual basis of accounting. Hence, a company’s revenue could occur before the cash is received, after the cash is received, or at time that the cash is received. (Note that for income tax reporting, smaller ...
What does Revenue Mean?Exact Definition from English Cambridge DictionaryWhat Does Revenue Mean in Simple Terms?What does Revenue Mean in Economics?Use of Revenue in Finance and AccountingWhat Does Revenue Mean in a Business?Operating RevenueNon-Operating RevenueHow are Profit and Income Related to ...
What Does Revenue Mean? Contents[show] The revenue account is atemporaryequity accountthat increases total equity in the company. This means that the revenue account has a credit balance and is closed at the end of eachaccounting cycleto a permanent or balance sheet account. This makes sense ...
Revenue recognition is agenerally accepted accounting principle (GAAP)that identifies the specific conditions in which revenue is recognized and determines how to account for it. Revenue is typically recognized when a critical event has occurred, when a product or service has been delivered to a cust...
The accountant records the amount as a debit entry to the cash and cash equivalent account and as a credit entry to the deferred revenue account when payment is received in advance for a service or product. A debit entry for the amount paid is entered into the deferred revenue account and ...