Participants perceived a writer as having greater ironic intent when the writer used a sentence with a semantically prosodic word that mismatched with the valence of adjacent words (Studies 1, 3, and 4). Additionally, in line with English as foreign language pedagogy, t...
Creativity has been associated with awide range of behavioral and mental characteristics, including associations between semantically remote ideas and contexts, application of multiple perspectives, curiosity, flexibility in thought and action, rapid generation of multiple, qualitatively different solutions and ...
Referents with a topical or focused status have been shown to be preferable antecedents in real-time resolution of pronouns. However, it remains unclear regarding whether topicality and focus compete for prominence when co-present in the same narrative,
In a way, I believe the answer is ‘yes’. But it is vital to notice that this does not imply that there is nothing remarkable about these ML systems, especially when they are used to do science. To illustrate the point a bit, consider how the human body is biochemically speaking just...
From here, we can also relate to a heretofore unsuspected effect for the substructure of Producing, as semantically driven imagination of suitable situations or symbols was higher for change, while the articulative strategy of inner or subvocal speech was higher for hold (Fig.6). So, although...
In the present study, we focused on the role of these factors in children’s inferencing, addressing the following questions: What cues do children use in first language contexts and how often do they show up? How does lexical inferencing relate to learner factors such as vocabulary breadth, ...
Clipasso: Semantically-aware object sketching. ACM TOG, 2022. 2 [89] Kai Wang, Yifan Wang, Xing Xu, Xin Liu, Weihua Ou, and Huimin Lu. Prototype-based selective knowledge distilla- tion for zero-shot sketch based image retrieval. In ACM MM, 2022. 6 [90] Xi Wang, Kathleen ...
We predicted that if abstract size can be grounded in physical size, semantically big abstract concepts would more likely be associated with big physical objects, whereas semantically small abstract concepts would more likely be associated with small physical objects. In Experiment 2, we examined the...
In Experiment 1, the participants had to write down or say aloud the names of pictures while hearing distractors LEXICAL ACCESS IN WRITTEN PICTURE NAMING 679 that were semantically related to the picture names, un- related to them, or neutral (a blank noise). As a silent con- trol ...
The discovery of the AB spurred one of the most comprehensive research efforts in cognitive psychology (for reviews, see Dux & Marois,2009; Martens & Wyble,2010). Yet, the key limitations underlying the low performance observed during the blink remain elusive. In particular, two central question...