今天,我们面临的是其他的网。其中之一是我在就这些问题与学生交流时经常听到的一个术语“自我放任”("self-indulgent")。“在攻读学位过程中有这么多事要做的时候(so many other things),试图按照自己的感觉生活难道不是自我放任吗?”“毕业后不去找个真正的工作(getting a real job)而去画画难道不是自我放任吗?
Today there are other nets. One of those nets is a term that I've heard again and again as I've talked with students about these things. That term is "self-indulgent." "Isn't it self-indulgent to try to live the life of the mind when there are so many other things I could be ...
Going into finance isn't self-indulgent? Going into law, like most of the people who do, in order to make yourself rich, isn't self-indulgent? It's not OK to play music, or write essays, because what good does that really do anyone, but it is OK to work for a hedge fund. It...
What Does It All Mean?The Pazz & Jop Critics Poll has convinced me--for the first time really--that I have an audience. I'm not sure how we relate to each other--that is, the central mystery of all popular culture, even a modest rock and roll column--but that we do relate is ...
Many ofthe early poems have a dreamy quality with melancholy, passive and self-indulgentfeelings. But in a number of poems, Yeats has achieved suggestive patterns ofmeaning by a careful counter-pointing of contrasting pairs of ideas or imageslike human and fairy, natural and artificial, domestic...
This generation has often been stereotyped as self-centred and self-indulgent and lacking a work ethic. However, the auto/biographical accounts of the three people reveal that they are hardworking and loyal to their place of work and colleagues. They behave with professionalism despite often ...
With a more fruitfully selfish philosophy in mind, we might fight to have an hour to ourselves each day. We may do something that could get us labelled as ‘self-indulgent’ (having psychotherapy once a week or writing a book) but that is vital to our spirit. We might go on a trip ...
1. Self-Love Self-loveis one of the more gentle and approachable inner work paths. But that doesn’t dilute or negate its importance. Self-love can lend itself to being shallow or unnecessarily self-indulgent (in the wrong hands), but with the right training, self-love can go bone-deep...
The studio refused to give in to the actor's indulgent desire to direct his own biography. Is obstinately a word? adj. 1. a.Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action; obdurate. What does the word parsimonious mean in English?
Oxford English Dictionary defines goblin mode, a slang term, as “a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.” It's most often used in a sentence as "in goblin mode" or "to go gobl...