Assessing the impact of casino developments on Indian reservations in Arizona and New Mexico. Social Science Journal.Gonzales, A. A., Lyson, T. A., & Mauer, K. W. (2007). What does a casino mean to a tribe? Assessing the impact of casino development on Indian reservations in Arizona ...
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Standard Time Zone:GMT/UTC - 07:00 hour Daylight Saving Time:DST not in use Edmonton. Map of location See other cities ofCanada View travel resources forEdmonton DST- Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) GMT- Greenwich Mean Time UTC- Coordinated Universal Time ...
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s rural regions find that the costs of reductions in parental care are such that, when compared to the children of stayers, left-behind children exhibit more behavioural problems, higher rates of truancy, greater risks of emotional difficulties and loneliness, and lower levels of self-reported ...
In particular, it does not matter if the variations are of known or unknown origin, or fall under a deterministic or an indeterministic kind of physics. Continuing our detour into biology, the well-known Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium law in population genetics, which gives the relative frequencies ...
NSW should produce more of its own gas for energy security. But in early 2013, in response to increasing community concerns and land-use conflicts, the NSW Government introduced legislation to restrict gas exploration. Exploration is now excluded over much of the Sydney Basin, the part of the ...
qualify as qualified dividends, they must be issued by a U.S. corporation or qualified foreign corporation, the investor must own them for at least 60 days out of a 121-day holding period, and they cannot be in a category of dividends otherwise excluded from the qualified dividend ...
The NCAA, meanwhile, has found itself scrambling to keep up with new and ever-changing state laws. In 2024, the states of Tennessee and Virginia (joined later by Florida, New York, and the District of Columbia) sued the NCAA over its prohibitions on the use of NIL as a recruiting tool...